What is an independent educational consultant?
An independent educational consultant is an expert in the field of college admission. Providing in-depth personalized advice, educational consultants support students and their families on the journey to college. Read’s Corner takes that support a step further by providing additional coaching services that aim to ensure students are developing the skills needed to prepare for and be successful in college. For more information about independent educational consultants, click here.
Why should I hire a college admission coach? Doesn’t the high school provide college counseling services?
Indeed your secondary school does and should be providing college counseling support services. Unfortunately, the current state of public school counseling makes it challenging for counselors to either spend one-on-one time with students or specialize in college counseling. The counselor-to-student ratio in Loudoun County Virginia (where Read’s Corner is headquartered) is 1:350; the national average is 1:464. In addition, school counseling offices are charged with a broad range of responsibilities: course registration, registrar, mental health counseling, college counseling, and career counseling. As a College Coach I specialize in the college search and selection process. I will provide you with the individualized support you need so you can be successful on your journey to college.
Why should I hire a student success coach? Doesn’t my child’s high school/college offer those resources?
Absolutely. The reality is two-fold. First, college and high school staff and faculty are asked to do a considerable amount more than just aid in student support. This makes it difficult for them to provide personalized support to an individual student. Second, I have seen first hand how developing some crucial skill sets (goal setting, time management, study habits) visibly transform a student’s educational experience. Read’s Corner specializes in supporting students realize their full potential!
What is your approach to coaching students?
One word: relationship! My first goal is to establish a relationship with you. One built upon confidence and trust. The better I get to know you the better I can serve you.
But seriously, how much?
I offer multiple pre-packaged coaching services, but the truth of the matter is no two situations are the same so I prefer not to approach my relationships as one size-fits-all. Your journey to and through college is unique. Therefore, it’s hard for me to quantify the value I can bring to your situation until we talk. That’s why the first step we take together is a free 30-minute conversation.

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