Saturday Seminars

“The beautiful thing about learning is that nobody can take it away from you.” ― B.B. King

Free Seminars

Woah 😳 … back up 🤔 … did you read that right 🧐?!?!

Well, yes 👍 … yes, you did 👏 👊 💪 !

Throughout the year I offer FREE (that’s right F R E E) seminars to help students and families navigate the journey to and through college. These live seminars will explore topics from college admission to financial aid to student success, providing you with meaningful and relevant insights, information, and resources. After these virtual sessions not only will you walk away with the cornerstones you need to build towards success, you will also have the opportunity to ask questions too so you might further strengthen your foundational knowledge!

Look below for a full list of upcoming sessions! I look forward to seeing you soon.


About Me

I have spent over 16 years supporting students and families navigate their way to and through college. From working as an admission officer to college access and success to college counseling, I have seen college admission and student success from every angle. Over the course of my career I have developed successful strategies that students can use to ensure their dreams of academic success. My primary goal is to help students achieve their educational goals. Please take some time to learn more about me, the support I provide, and my students’ successes!

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